I had never had a problem with my body until I came to college. I was a healthy athletic size nine which was perfect for me because I am a tall woman standing 5 feet 8 inches (alright 5'7 1/2). Then for some reason I began losing weight like almost drastically.... It could have been the cafe food, all the water I was drinking, all the walking I did or the fact that I quit working out and I lost the muscle. As you know muscle weighs more than fat. This did not make me happy. My clothes began to look way too baggy and it looked sloppy which really irked me. Over the years it really hasn't gotten any better, I've finally sustained a size 5 and I still don't know how to feel about that. I don't really like it though, I'd rather be at least a 7. But you know white girls are fighting to be my size, whereas its an insult to me if someone says I'm shaped like a white girl.
Yet, people continue to tell me...like its something I need or want to hear. Listen people, I am not intentionally watching my weight. I honestly have been going through some financial troubles that have not allowed me to eat when and how I would like to combined with a busy schedule which I hate to admit also does not permit me to eat when I want. And at this point in my life I refuse to purposely try and gain weight to satisfy someone else's ideal of what they think I should be. I know my body is going to fluctuate with time and factors like having children or my metabolism slowing down. My body to expand naturally. Looking at my family its inevitable.
I remember Tyra Banks was really skinny when she was younger and look at her now. A Victoria's Secret model! I'm not saying that I'm gonna be a model. Not even. I'm just glad to see I have some hope and something to aspire to. She even had a comment to say about those so-called "thick girls" who used to talk about her. Now I definitely won't hate on anyone else's body, just stop commenting on mine. Unless its a compliment and even then please be respectful. So either buy me a meal or shut up! Anybody that knows me knows I don't turn down food! MAN that felt good!
Thank you Reese!! I'm glad somebody feels me... I just wanna be healthy, that's all.