Monday, February 28, 2005
Baby I'm Beggin....
Is it just me or does anyone else love beggin men songs? They all heartfelt and thats the most emotion I ever hear from man. Even when they tryin to get at you they frontin, but when they beggin you know thats real. Straight from the heart. Because who would put themselves out there if they ain't feel that way for real?
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Whisper in your ear
Earlier today I went to the Howard vs. Hampton game where the greatest moment came as I saw a t-shirt hurdling toward me. As I looked up all there was was the t-shirt and me. I couldn't let anyone get to it, so I did what I had to do to get it. A couple people were hurt, but don't worrry I was fine. If they hadn't gotten in my way, they woulda been alright..... Y'all know I'm dealing with some misplaced energy.
Still gotta finish this project its due tomorrow, well today, at 10 pm. I keep putting it off. I keep thinking back to Thursday when I only went to one class.....I only have classes two days a week y'all. I guess not having class that often makes you not wanna go at all. Oh well... here goes.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Might make your head blow off!!
I had long, rough night last night.....I won't go into extreme detail, but let me just say I'm human! Luckily there was no one around for me to take advantage of and I'm not the call someone up type of girl. But if I woulda been a wrap. Took quite a bit of will power though.
That's how it always happens. I know its just God protecting me because that's not what I should be doing. Sometimes God closes doors because we can't seem to do it ourselves. In other words, God does for us the things we can't bring ourselves to do. But like I said, I'm human, we all have our struggles. People never talk about these things....Like it doesn't happen. I'm sure nights like those happen to the best of us. If you're still in the dark about what I'm talkin about, you're gonna have to stay there b/c I ain't sayin no more. On the plus side I did get half my project done tryin to keep my mind off of it. That's right people bury yourself in your work and you can get through anything!
Friday, February 25, 2005
Grown Folks
Now not to be a traitor to my generation, but I would so prefer sitting and listening to some jazz to having some sweaty stranger grind up on me three hours. Don't get me wrong I like to shake it on the dance floor as much as the next girl, but honestly I'd rather do it by myself. I wanna two step like the grown folks do. My lil sis and I were talking about trying to get our school to throw a real grown folks party with classic old jams..... The Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Donnie Hathaway, Aretha Franklin......So romantic.
I dont think I have ever been the clubbing type. I've been to many but I hate going home smelling like smoke and people only go there for one reason, to leave with someone at the end of the night. AND the thought that there are men my fathers' age up in there eyeing me, disgusts me more than I can say. Knowing my father he would be up in there too because he thinks he's young. I can see him now in his black netted shirt with a drink in his hand, gold tooth just blingin, looking for his 4th or 5th wife........*shaking my head*. Thats my daddy y'all.... Anyway its just nice to see people my age who share in my interests.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
What next?
This video has nothing to do with anything, but its one of my favorite there you have it!
Sitting in the only class I think I'll attend today. Didn't get much sleep last night. Tried to stay up and complete a case for class while praying that it snowed so that class would be canceled and I would have more time to do it. But it didn't. Stupid weatherpeople don't know what they're talking about. I tried to take a nap in the middle of writing the case, get up and complete the rest, but the sleep got too good to me and I couldn't get back up. I have realized that a lack of sleep equals a cranky, irritable, anti-social me. It's not pretty. I turned in all my assignments, now I'm tryin to figure out a way to get home.
Man, so much was going on yesterday. I was tired yesterday too, but my day started out well bc it was nice outside. I stayed on campus all day for a family night activity that didn't happen (waste of freaking time). Got home and I wanted to watch the preview show for America's Next Top Model but I guess I missed it. I wanted to watch Project Runway, listen to a radio show and do my paper all at the same time. Didn't end up finishing any of those things....Then my light bulb blew out so I couldn't even read what I wanted to write up.
Earlier that day my roommate wanted me to sing her intro for her radio show. I don't know why I said yes....I used to have a really bad case of stage fright. During senior year of high school I was singing all kinds of solos and the stage fright left. But since I haven't sang in public since high school, I guess its back. But I was thinking.... well this isn't really a stage its just a lil studio booth with me and her. BUT her show is broadcast throughout Hampton Roads! That's seven cities y'all! Now I am confident in my voice, I think its cool. And the fact that she is confident in my voice makes me feel better.... but still. What if people hate it? Well only a few people know I'm doing it. I won't tell if you won't.
Thats one reason why I wouldn't wanna sing as a career. I don't think I have the star quality. You know whatever it is that makes people wanna know you and watch you. Like Beyonce. She's got it. I don't wanna be famous....I don't really like too much attention drawn to me. I'd rather watch.... Now my best friend..thats a star! She could be famous for being herself because she doesn't sing or dance and I'm not sure about her acting skills (she could be good...). I never seen anything like it. Like regular people get excited at the sight of her. Her personality is just so big and she's just so fly. I'll be the Gail to her Oprah. I'll be successful, I just won't be out there like that.
My friend is acting wierd. I don't know what the problem is...I just know something is different. Maybe he had a bad day or something. I just hate when people act strangely. I automatically think it is something I did. Hey if I did something let me know and if its something else, I still need to know its not me. I'm flexible.....
I'm tired of dating y'all. If you knew the extent of my dating experience you would probably say 'What are you talking about? You haven't even started yet!'. Even so I'm tired. I just wanna get married and be settled. I just gotta find that man on the list. But I don't even feel like interviewing....thats what dating is: an interview. I mean but really I'm not high maintenance. I don't ask for too much. (If being faithful and considerate of me is asking too much, then you can call me high maintenance). But I see some relationships where the girl is whiny, attitudinal and just plain unreasonable and they be in relationships for like five years or get married. I even know guys who complain about their girlfriends everyday but stick in there. What kind of man likes that sort of thing? Is it the sex? Sex will lock you down especially if you're used to getting it regularly. You think twice about leaving that sure thing for uncertainty. I dunno....I guess drama drives some people. I can live without the drama so I try not to cause drama. On the real, I could probably make it work with just about anyone if I wanted it to. You just have to capture my attention, I get bored easily. Now if you get my attention and my trust....there's no limit.
I really didn't think when I started writing this entry it would turn out to be this long! lol. I guess I had a lot more on my mind than I thought. I tried not to sound like a complainer. Tiff says I should do that on my own time... But this is MY blog, I will complain at my own discretion.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Fishy Love
So I found these things online and decided to see what they said.....Call it boredom and procrastination at its height.
Pisces - Your Love ProfileYour positive traits: You're very tuned into your lover's feelings - and always doing something caring. Sweetness - you're the most romantic person your partner has ever met. You get easily swept away and are a total delight to fall in love with. Your negative traits: You are super duper sensitive and find it hard to get out of a sad mood. It's difficult for you to tell your sweetie no, even when you should. You often tell your partner what they want to hear, instead of being honest. Your ideal partner: Is straight from a fairy tale - the man or woman of your dreams Is a total romantic, with an artistic or creative side Loves to express their love to you, in all sorts of unique ways Your dating style: Dreamy. You like traditional romantic dates, like picnics in the park and candlelight dinners. Your seduction style: Fearless - you try what your partner suggests, no matter how unusual. Loving. You'll take your pleasure second, if necessary. Internal. A lot of your enjoyment takes place within your head. Tips for the future: Be more realistic. Your romantic ideal is nice, but it may just not happen. Let go of your fear of rejection - it's holding you back from being with your true love. Open yourself up to a new love. The person you think you want make not be the one.. Best color to attract mate: Seafoam green Best day for a date: Friday Get your free love profile at Blogthings. |
You Are 28 Years Old |
28 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. |
Oh what a beautiful morning.......
I think my bad day yesterday came from my lack of sleep coupled with too many things on my mind plus I'd had two exams that I'm not too confident about. I hope my mid-term grades aren't too horrible.
I was watching Regis and Kelly this morning and they were having this Beautiful Baby contest. They had this Asian-Caucasian lil girl named Khiya Dion and a lil Caucasian girl named Aniyah..... Is it just me or is something a little off about that? White folks can never talk about us and our ghetto names again.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Mid-term Madness
Today is not a good day. I'm tired, frustrated, overwhelmed and no one is helping to relieve the stress. They are only adding to it. I think Ima drop out of sight for a while. If you really need me, you'll find a way to get to me. Sorry I couldn't have been more entertaining....Maybe tommorow......
Sunday, February 20, 2005
The Ghost Weekend
This was a very interesting weekend. It was pleasant.....but nothing earth shattering happened. I spent the night in my friends' dorm room and watched Bamboozled ( even though it scares me). She wasn't there and she doesn't have a roommate so I got her enormous king sized bed to myself. The next morning I got up and went to my Student Recruitment Team meeting where my secret Valentine forgot my present.....I really wanted my present y'all. After the meeting me and my "lil sis" had some much needed quality time, which helped me put a lot of my issues into perspective. I spent the day lusting after NBA players, Ima a sucker for tall men. Three in particular: Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Dwayne Wade. With Dwayne its just physical.... he's got beautiful lips and teeth plus that amazing muscular body. But with Kevin and Ray, its deeper. I love Kevin's passion for the game. I hope he's that way about everything. And Ray is just so smart! He could probably teach me a few things....... I love me a smart, passionate, tall man!! I was supposed to go on a date........that didn't happen. Even though I have mad work to do, I can not sit down and do it. I have the attention span of a 2 year old lately. I can list the productive things I did this weekend.
1. Washed my hair.
2. Went to my meeting.
3. Cleaned my room.
4. At least started on a project.
5. Quality time with the sis.
Its not a lot. And I had already told you about half of the things. I'm almost convinced that no one reads this page except my roommate, me and my lil sis(and she's addicted to reading blogs, so she doesn't count). That's what keeps me from putting a counter on this page. I'd probaly just be depressed to see 3 people have checked my page.
My old roommate Tiff has finally set up her computer at home. Now we can continue to have our random conversations. This one caught me totally off guard:
Tiff: I'm mad your age range for dates to senior ball starts at 19
Yakarien: Hey, its only one night. They only need to be pretty and be able to dance
Tiff: I'm pretty
Tiff: I can dance
Tiff: Sorry I don't have a penis
Yakarien: They have to have a penis
Tiff:*feels discrimiHATED against *
Tiff: I got new shoes
Yakarien: what kinda shoes?
Tiff: they match a layered shirt
Tiff: replica's from target
Tiff: they look like ummm
Yakarien: you hear about that recall on boots from target?
Tiff: nah
Tiff: but donnie was sayin theres a new aids
Tiff: in ny
Yakarien: huh?
Yakarien: i was talkin about shoes
Tiff: aids is in a new viral form
Tiff: i kno
Tiff: speakin of new things
Speaking of Tiff and her crazy self. She got upset that there were no pics of her on this page. are some of what I have:
Memories from freshman year when were bored..... Remember these Tiff?!
Friday, February 18, 2005
Time for a Break
It looks like I might have to take a break from my leisure activities. I got mad work to do and mid-terms are officially here. This weekend Ima be deep in the books so I may not have time for my blog :(. I sure do hate to leave you hanging, I know how y'all depend on my words of wisdom. I got a wake up call today when I thought I was gonna fail my open book test because I didn't have a book. Taught me I maybe need to pay a lil attention. I got that senoritis bug BADDD! I just ain't felt like doing anything but this blog!
I'm tryin to be a better friend. I don't usually call people because you actually gotta talk to them and I hate awkward silences. But Ima put that aside and try. Today was a good day! I played pool and I won three times!! Yayyyyy the losing streak is over! It was a beautiful day. The dryer is fixed. Got food in my cabinet. Can't get no better than that!
Who am I kidding? I know I'll still be writing in here with any spare minute I've got.............
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Calling all skinny girls
I had never had a problem with my body until I came to college. I was a healthy athletic size nine which was perfect for me because I am a tall woman standing 5 feet 8 inches (alright 5'7 1/2). Then for some reason I began losing weight like almost drastically.... It could have been the cafe food, all the water I was drinking, all the walking I did or the fact that I quit working out and I lost the muscle. As you know muscle weighs more than fat. This did not make me happy. My clothes began to look way too baggy and it looked sloppy which really irked me. Over the years it really hasn't gotten any better, I've finally sustained a size 5 and I still don't know how to feel about that. I don't really like it though, I'd rather be at least a 7. But you know white girls are fighting to be my size, whereas its an insult to me if someone says I'm shaped like a white girl.
Yet, people continue to tell its something I need or want to hear. Listen people, I am not intentionally watching my weight. I honestly have been going through some financial troubles that have not allowed me to eat when and how I would like to combined with a busy schedule which I hate to admit also does not permit me to eat when I want. And at this point in my life I refuse to purposely try and gain weight to satisfy someone else's ideal of what they think I should be. I know my body is going to fluctuate with time and factors like having children or my metabolism slowing down. My body to expand naturally. Looking at my family its inevitable.
I remember Tyra Banks was really skinny when she was younger and look at her now. A Victoria's Secret model! I'm not saying that I'm gonna be a model. Not even. I'm just glad to see I have some hope and something to aspire to. She even had a comment to say about those so-called "thick girls" who used to talk about her. Now I definitely won't hate on anyone else's body, just stop commenting on mine. Unless its a compliment and even then please be respectful. So either buy me a meal or shut up! Anybody that knows me knows I don't turn down food! MAN that felt good!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Random Thoughts
Dave Chappelle~Rick James
I now realize the importance of having a dryer to accompany the washing machine. I contemplated setting up a clothes line in the back, but that would be showing my roots.
If I had a car, I'd be gone for a drive right now........Where would I go? Oh I dunno.............Mexico? Maybe that's why I don't have a car......
I was supposed to start a new schedule today, but my day didn't start off the way it was supposed that's shot.
I've finally gotten used to my Entreprenuership teacher saying 'bidness' instead of 'business'. He went to Harvard School of Bidness.
I need to find a place to put my lip gloss during parties........Hey, this looks like a good place...... No, it'll get all sweaty there.
I'm gonna stop posting blogs on my computer at home....It takes like 5 hours on average.
Chocolate Chunk Cookies! Chocolate Chunk Cookies! Chocolate Chunk Cookies! 'Nuff said.
This is something I've seen done on other blogs, it can get crazy. If you think one is you, you're probably wrong.......I'll never tell.........
1. I miss you homie. Life just ain't the same without you.
2. I don't know why you continue to talk to me. Can't you see the hatred in my eyes?
3. On a daily basis, you frustrate the hell out of me. The crazy part is I don't really mind.
4. You are a bright spot in my day everytime I see you.
5. Wow! You have changed for the better. Never saw it coming. I love the new you!
6. You remind me so much of myself but you are so much wiser and outspoken than I am. I used to think I needed to protect you, but you end up looking after me.
7. You know me better at this time than anyone else.
8. I know you're in love with me but we will keep that between us. It still feels good to be loved for who you really are.
9. My prayers are always with you even though we didn't work out. I still think about you all the time. You're a great guy.
10. Its funny...we've been 'knowing' each other for years and I still have no idea who you are.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Anyways there are a couple people who I really enjoy reading. I don't even know this person in real life but my lil sis told me to check out her page. She is so hilarious ( I rarely use that word, but it sooo applies here). Her name is Ronnie and she is out of control! How does she even come up with this stuff? And of course I always keep up with what my roomie is talking about...She a journalist, keeping me informed on the news I never read. I'm waiting for my homie Adrianne to start a blog. I know from her regular speech that it would just be insane to read.
While I'm on the subject of addiction, there's a book called Addicted by Zane. Its about this woman battling sex addiction. I have mixed feelings about this book. The emotions you are supposed to feel come across correctly but I found myself rolling my eyes at some of the analogies. But its a good read, especially if you wanna live vicariously through a sex addict.

Monday, February 14, 2005
Men wanted!!
The Truth
Today is a day that people often dread either because they are alone or a have had bad experiences. Honestly, I've never had a traditional Valentine's Day with the dates, candy and flowers but I still admire the sentiment behind the day. One of my best friends would always get me chocolate and a card. Even if she had to draw the card herself! It made me feel special and loved. Appreciate the ones you love whether they be family, friends or more. You can never tell someone you are happy you have them around enough.
In honor of Valentine's Day, I have decided to post about the man who I think is the Truth, MY Truth. He is :
Doesn't curse
Loves the Lord
Wants to have children(eventually)
Can hold a conversation
Can dance
Loves music
Not afraid to love me or commit
Knows me inside and out
Controllable temper
Is not controlling but assertive
Optimistic and hopeful
Basically he is a beautiful gentleman who cares for me like no other. This is the Truth. I don't think this is a lot to ask for. Hopefully I will meet him one day, but I keep getting side tracked by these knuckleheads who are a waste of my time. Happy Valentine's Day y'all! Hope you find your Truth.
"There ain't no substitute for the truth, either it is or it isn't. You see the truth it needs no proof, either it is or it isn't."
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Something to Think About
It just seems like when you are ready, they're not ready. When they're ready, you're not ready. Like I said the other day, you gotta be equally yolked. Then you start to look inside and think 'What is it about me that is making things complicated?' I haven't found my balance yet and it ain't looking too good right now y'all. I might have a good wait ahead of me. But when you think about it, wouldn't that be worth it if I'm patient and get a man who is perfect for me? Then I wouldn't have to worry about who did this and why.
But what do you do in the meantime, the in between time? I definitely have not figured that out. If you know, let me know.....The most logical answer would be to fill your time with other things and just be patient. Oh but thats so much easier said than done! It's a battle I continue to fight daily, but I am optimistic that everything will be just fine. So don't worry about me people! Ima be just lovely!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
So the party continues....
Its a beautiful Saturday today. I hope I can get some work done, but I don't feel like sitting still. I feel like talking to some people, cleaning the house, washing my hair, anything but homework.
The cab last night was great. Once we got on the dance floor, you couldn't drag us off. The DJ was playing really good songs and yes I did shake it, shake it. Me and my girls had a great time. In fact I think we had the best time up in there. Or at least I did, until I got thirsty, looked for punch and found salty chips and pretzels. Then, my feet began to hurt because of my sexy shoes but that was the beginning of the end. As soon as they turned on the lights some guys in the party started throwing chairs and fighting. Then they maced the entire joint.....
Why must every party end with a fight? I guess when you mix alcohol and testosterone, you get chairs thrown at people's heads. I think I can count the parties I've been to where no one fought on one hand. You would think we are too old for that. It just feels so high school or something. I much prefer a friend's house party to any specially thrown event. That's why I 'm going to my friends' party tonight. Think I'm over doing it? I don't. Before last night, I hadn't been to a real good party in a long time. And these might be the last parties I go to for while.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Shake it, Shake it
It's a beautiful day out here. Makes me wanna get a chair and a book, sit out on my lil porch and wave at people. Like the country folks do. They don't care if they know you or not........but of course in the country everybody knows EVERYBODY.
Well I hope y'all are having a nice day as well. TGIF!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Beaten Down by Love but Not Broken
Its crazy how the same things seem to happen to a buncha people at the same time but yet people think that no one could possibly understand what they are going through or as Musiq puts it,
People have a tendency
To think to themselves that they're the only ones
Going through more things than anyone else
But oh, I bet you'll beg to differ
If you would just consider the bigger picture
Cause then you would see that most people go through
The same things that you do in life
But you be alright
Cause if you can take it
You surely can make it
You'll be alright (yeah)
You'll be alright, Musiq Soulchild, Aijuswannasing
I dedicate this post to my friends who feel like love has beaten them down. I see these people everyday and I know that they are wonderful people.........But we all know bad things still happen to good people. I look at it this way: People are brought into your life for a reason and people are taken out for a reason. Thank them for what that person brought into your life and appreciate the things that because they left you would not have to experience later.
These are two lessons I have learned today. First, to be in a relationship with someone you must be equally yolked. Meaning you must be on the same path, same wavelength, have the same understanding of one another. If one person progresses in the relationship without the other person, its darn near impossible for that other person to catch up. Yes it is possible to be in a relationship all by yourself, but that relationship will not survive. It really does take two to tango. Secondly, trust is crucial. Love cannot live where there is no trust. How do you know someone will not cheat on you? You trust. How can you be sure that person will not hurt you? You have to trust. How do you live with not knowing what will happen next? You trust that everything will be alright. Everything comes back to faith.
All my Life
Don't hate on those Foo Fighters.....They speaking on my pain! Sometimes you wanna scream...... Nothing like angry rock to let it out.
This shoulda been the easiest week of my life. I've only had like 4 classes this whole week. But instead I'm feeling like something is missing. Maybe I'm putting my energy somewhere where it shouldn't be... But I don't feel motivated at all! I need a surge of inspiration. Something to make me want to make things happen. I got a couple-few projects to do this week, but they're sooo boring. I know its relevent to my life in some way..... I just don't know what it is yet.
Oh! If you did not catch Project Runway, that heffa Wendy is still there. She won for some reason with a dress with feathers on it ( of ALL things)! Eww.... But i think that was actually the last show because the last 3 finalists go on to Fashion Week and get their own runway show. How exciting!
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Hump Day
I love Wednesdays! I don't know why, but I do. Maybe its from all those days looking forward to America's Next Top Model to come on. But now I have a new favorite show that comes on today. It's called Project Runway and its just like Top Model but for designers....Let me catch you up. Its down to the final four and the top three go on to design a line for Fashion Week. My favorite designer is Kara Saun, she's really good plus she's mad cool. She gets along with everyone except this heffa, Wendy, who doesn't get along with anyone. There's also Austin, a very flamboyant gay man who actually wears full make-up and rollers to bed! My best friend calls him Frou Frou because he loves all the girly stuff like ruffles and flowers.....eww. But Jay is hilarious. He's another flamboyant gay man, but he is the comedy of the show!
Also if you are in the Hampton Roads area listen to my roommate Miss Theory. She'll be on the radio tonight on 88.1 from 10pm to 1am, playing the slow jams on Mystic Vibes. She's got one of those sultry voices that my homie Rainman has said will "make your nature rise". Lol.... Have a great Hump Day!!
Still working things out
I get a notice in the mail that says I'm pre-approved for car financing, so I call the number. Then the dealership calls to set up an appointment. Everything sounds pretty good, you know I need me a car. Only one problem....They need to see a pay stub and seeing as though I don't have a job at this time because I cannot get there and I'm not too keen on taking the bus, I don't have a pay stub. Oh well let's pray something works out.....Anybody hiring?
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Hotel Rwanda
Things that make you go hmmm
If you (as a woman) are attracted to a man's features (like his ample buttocks) while he is in drag.... does that make you a lesbian?
MEN tell me... do pick up lines really work? And if they do, tell me the one you used and what happened..... For example, picture this: Coming home from church my friend stops at a gas station and begins to pump her gas. A guy on a motorcycle rolls up to her and says:
Motorcycle guy: Hey can I pump that gas for you?
Friend: No thank you, I got it.
Motorcycle guy: Well can I get your number?
Friend: I have a boyfriend.
Motorcycle guy: How can you resist a man with something big, hard and vibrating between his legs?
Friend: I just got back from church.
Motorcycle jerk: Oh well.... I'll talk to you tomorrow....
What? When I'm not coming from church? Try again homie...that was really whack. I guess it depends on what kinda woman, freak, ho (whatever applies) you're trying to pick up.
Why do people get upset when they're talking loud and you so happen to overhear what they are talking about and comment on it? Sorry. I thought you were talking to everyone.... Maybe you should use your indoor voice.
Oops sorry
Saturday, February 05, 2005
My Buddies!!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Friday Night
An uneventful day
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Shower shoes or panties?
So right now, I'm spending the night in my friends' dorm room and I forgot my freaking shower shoes. That is the grossest thing, especially in a female dorm. You never know what types of germs are floating around....... Which led to a discussion... Is it worse to forget your shower shoes or your underwear? Depends on which germs scare you more. It was supposed to be a slumber party, but the host is falling asleep because she has class in the morning. I should be relieved.....she'd probably make us watch porn. Never mind she just turned it on.......