Saturday, July 31, 2010

true love

My friend and I just finished watching a movie called Timer. I first saw the preview on Hulu and then found it on my new fav site Netflix. Awesome concept of a movie. It takes the phenomenon to another level. This company thats looks like a cross between a t-mobile store and an Apple store where you can go and get this timer implanted on your wrist to tell you exactly when you will meet your soul mate. The main character's timer is blank which means her soul mate hasn't gotten his timer yet. Which kinda makes her crazy wondering when and where he is.

So it kinda got us thinking...if you could know when you would meet the ONE, would you want to? And even if you do know, you could still definitely screw it up by not being open to loving someone. I think of characters like Joan from Girlfriends who had chance after chance after chance and she still managed to mess things up by being desperate or jealous. She was the perpetual single girl and after a while i was like please just find somebody!

Also I'm wondering can you be just too picky. I mean I know what I want and some things I'm not really willing to compromise on. Height....I know thats a soft spot for some men, sorry. Relationship with the Lord, I just can't have the same fight again and again. And when it comes to beliefs its a struggle if the person you want to be with doesn't know what your talking about.

I would love to see some options...Trust me, I haven't seen any. Cole actually suggested I practice my flirting. I know how to use the tools when the time comes. I just don't want to waste those tools on someone I wouldn't normally give the time of day. Nor do I want to get someone's hopes up, thinking there's something there when there's not. I like to be very clear on my intentions. If I like you then you'll know.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

night time

I'm so bad at routine, thats probably why I write here so randomly. I'm good at random. Well, my first attempt at a roller set with perm rods was a complete fail. Mostly because my hooded dryer is broken and I really have no idea what I'm doing. I figure the more I practice and when i replace my dryer it will finally work out. I was gonna try those 3-strand twists, but I'm tired. The only reason why I haven't passed out yet is because I'm nosy. I had to get on facebook, finish watching this movie I started earlier on Netflix and talk to my bff's. On top of that, I got into facebook stalking and you just never know where thats gonna take you. So yeah, I'm fighting to keep my eyes open and that's all I got for now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This is my new and I totally plan to get it very soon even though I won't be able to wear it until the fall. And believe me it looks even better on me. Plus I have a bangin leather skirt to wear it with. I passed it up the first time and it came back to me! Now tell that ain't meant to be....


so for the past couple days or shall I say weeks, I've been working like a maniac. I'm in retail if you didn't know and we had a floorset that was supposed to be over at midnight and I got out at 3:30. Then I had to be back at work at 9am. I was definitely praying on the way to work not to crash. I somehow made it through the day, chatted with Cole for a few mins and proceeded to pass out until about 1am. Which brings me to why I'm up at nearly 4am blogging.

On my last off day that I didn't post because I pretty much forgot what I was gonna say, I think I was doing my hair. Thats my new hobby and obsession. I'm trying to rock this natural thing for real now. I was faking before because I would always wear it straight. So since I'm up, I found myself on youtube watching natural hair videos trying to get some ideas. I'm also trying to figure out if I will get up and get something to eat.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna try 3-strand twists on my hair. Everyone talks about the 2 strand twist and for some reason parts of my hair still want to be straight. Its probably from all those years of faking it. I mean I wasn't getting a relaxer but it was never in its natural state. And to tell the truth if you look at pics when my hair was relaxed and then when it was natural, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But it feels different to the touch. Its much softer now, I wouldn't go back. Not even for the convenience of it. So I'm thinking if I do the 3 strand it may come out curly as I want it.

Hopefully I can get to sleep soon because I want to be able to enjoy some of my day off. Maybe if I eat something it will help. A grumbling stomach does not help you sleep at all.

Became a recent member of Netflix. Love it. No more viruses trying to watch illegal movies. Which I should of known better anyway. When you're accountable to the Lord anything you try to do out of the will, you get caught. At least I do. I can't step outta bounds for nothing. That's cool with me though. As for Netflix, I watched Sparkle. definitely a classic. Its just one of those movies that remind me of my childhood. I probably should have never watched this movie as much as I did, but nonetheless it has some great lessons in it. And for some reason just between me and you, it makes me think of candy....always has and it makes me hungry. I know...real fat. I'll take it.

I'm just gonna end this post right here because I think I can go on for awhile making twists and turns in the conversation and I'll probably lose you so hopefully it won't be too long until my next post.